Mission Services Provided
- Intake and Plan Development
- Work Adjustment and Evaluation
- Job Readiness Skills Classes
- On-the-Job Training
- Job Placement Services
- Job Retention and Follow Up Services
- Career Exploration
- Service Coordination
- Programs for high school students through Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services
Employment Readiness Skills Classes
Course material deemed critical for successful employment generally includes ‘soft skills.’
The classes are offered in formats depending on the program and individual needs.
Work Adjustment/ Work Activities
The individual served receives paid hands-on work experience and is assigned to a work site in Goodwill. Through actual work activities, skills are developed in work ethics, habits and behaviors.
Job Development/ Placement
Assist in identifying jobs that match the vocational objectives of the individuals served, and referring the person for job openings. And estimated 89% of all job placement opportunities occur outside of Goodwill Industries.
Job Retention/ Counseling
The individuals placed into employment are provided with at least 90 days of retention services to encourage employment success.
One-on-one meetings are provided by a qualified staff member to address issues that would or could impact participation, job development and placement services